
U.S. Non-Federal-Government Allocations
5.06 - 5.45 MHz
Mobile except aeronautical mobile

U.S. Federal Government Allocations
5.06 - 5.45 MHz
Mobile except aeronautical mobile

ITU Region 1 Allocations
5.275 - 5.45 MHz
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile

ITU Region 2 Allocations
5.275 - 5.45 MHz
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile

ITU Region 3 Allocations
5.275 - 5.45 MHz
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile



US22 The following provisions shall apply to non Federal use of 68 carrier frequencies in the range 2-8 MHz, which are not coordinated with NTIA:
  • (a) The frequencies authorized pursuant to 47 CFR 90.264 (Disaster Communications) and 47 CFR 90.266 (Long Distance Communications) are listed in columns 1-2 and columns 3-5, respectively. All stations are restricted to emission designator 2K80J3E, upper sideband transmissions, a maximum transmitter output power of 1 kW PEP, and to the class of station(s) listed in the column heading (i.e., fixed (FX) for all frequencies; base and mobile (FB and ML) for the frequencies in column 1 and 3; itinerant FX for the frequencies in columns 4-5).
  • (b) Use, Geographic, and Time Restrictions. Letter(s) to the right of a frequency indicate that the frequency is available only for the following purpose(s):
    • -A or I: Alternate channel or Interstate coordination.
    • -C, E, M, or W: For stations located in the Conterminous U.S., East of 108° West Longitude (WL), West of the Mississippi River, or West of 90° WL.
    • -D or N: From two hours after local sunrise until two hours before local sunset (i.e., Day only operations) or from two hours prior to local sunset until two hours after local sunrise (i.e., Night only operations).
Preferred Carrier Frequencies (kHz)
Disaster CommunicationsLong Distance Communications
FX, FB, ML FX FX, FB, ML FX (including itinerant)
2326 … I5135 … A22895046.6 … E7480.1
2411 5140 … A, I 2292 5052.6 … E7483.1
2414 5192 … I 2395 5055.6 … E 7486.1 … E
2419 5195 … I 2398 5061.6 … W 7549.1 … D
2422 7477 … A 3170 5067.6 7552.1
2439 7480 … A 4538.6 … N 5074.6 … E 7555.1 … W
2463 7802 … D 4548.6 … N 5099.1 7558.1 … W
2466 7805 … I 4575 5102.1 7559.1 … W
2471 7932 4610.5 5313.6 7562.1 … W
2474 7935 … C, D 4613.5 6800.1 … N 7697.1
2487   4634.5 6803.1  
2511   4637.5 6806.1 … W  
2535   4647 6855.1 … N, M  
2569     6858.1 … N  
2587     6861.1 … W  
2801     6885.1 … N  
2804 … A     6888.1 … N  

NOTE: To determine the assigned frequency, add 1.4 kHz to the carrier frequency. Other emission designators may be authorized within the 2.8 kHz maximum necessary bandwidth pursuant to 47 CFR 90.264 and 90.266.

Could not find US23

US212 In, or within 92.6 km (50 nautical miles) of, the State of Alaska, the carrier frequency 5167.5 kHz (assigned frequency 5168.9 kHz) is designated for emergency communications. This frequency may also be used in the Alaska-Private Fixed Service for calling and listening, but only for establishing communications before switching to another frequency. The maximum power is limited to 150 watts peak envelope power (PEP).

US340 The band 2-30 MHz is available on a non-interference basis to Federal and non-Federal maritime and aeronautical stations for the purposes of measuring the quality of reception on radio channels. See 47 CFR 87.149 for the list of protected frequencies and bands within this frequency range. Actual communications shall be limited to those frequencies specifically allocated to the maritime mobile and aeronautical mobile services.


Shortwave Broadcasting
Ocean Radar (WRC-2012)
Amateur Radio 60 m Band
Access Broadband over Power Line (Access BPL)
Potential Future Amateur Radio Allocation

Related Documents, Links, and Multimedia:
FCC Proceeding (1)
Band Plan (1)

Engineering Data

Lower Frequency Center Frequency Upper Frequency
Frequency 5060 kHz 5255 kHz 5450 kHz
Wavelength 59.2 m 57.0 m 55.0 m
Band designator(s) HF HF HF
Isotropic collecting area 279.3 m2 259.0 m2 240.8 m2
Free space loss (1 m) N/A (near field) N/A (near field) N/A (near field)
Free space loss (1 km) 46.9 dB 46.9 dB 47.2 dB
Free space loss (10 km) 66.9 dB 66.9 dB 67.2 dB
Free space loss (100 km) 86.9 dB 86.9 dB 87.2 dB
Free space loss (1000 km) 106.9 dB 106.9 dB 107.2 dB
Free space loss
(35,786 km = GEO orbit)
138.0 dB 137.9 dB 138.3 dB
Free space loss (378,370 km = Moon) 158.5 dB 158.4 dB 158.7 dB