
U.S. Non-Federal-Government Allocations
50.4 - 51.4 GHz

U.S. Federal Government Allocations
50.4 - 51.4 GHz

ITU Region 1 Allocations
50.4 - 51.4 GHz
FIXED-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) 5.555C

ITU Region 2 Allocations
50.4 - 51.4 GHz
FIXED-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) 5.555C

ITU Region 3 Allocations
50.4 - 51.4 GHz
FIXED-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) 5.555C



5.555C   The use of the frequency band 51.4-52.4 GHz by the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) is limited to geostationary-satellite networks. The earth stations shall be limited to gateway earth stations with a minimum antenna diameter of 2.4 metres. (WRC 19)

US157   In the band 51.4-52.6 GHz, for stations in the fixed service, the unwanted emissions power in the band 52.6-54.25 GHz shall not exceed −33 dBW/100 MHz (measured at the input of antenna).

NG65  In the bands 24.75-25.25 GHz, 47.2-48.2 GHz, and 50.4-51.4 GHz, stations in the fixed and mobile services may not claim protection from individually licensed earth stations authorized pursuant to 47 CFR 25.136. However, nothing in this footnote shall limit the right of Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service licensees to operate in conformance with the technical rules contained in 47 CFR part 30. The Commission reserves the right to monitor developments and to undertake further action concerning interference between Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service and Fixed-Satellite Service, including aggregate interference to satellite receivers, if appropriate.

G117   In the bands 7.25-7.75 GHz, 7.9-8.4 GHz, 17.375-17.475 GHz, 17.6-21.2 GHz, 30-31 GHz, 33-36 GHz, 39.5-41 GHz, 43.5-45.5 GHz and 50.4-51.4 GHz, the Federal fixed-satellite and mobile-satellite services are limited to military systems.


2019 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19) Agenda Item 1.6
WRC-27 study for aeronautical and maritime earth stations in motion for Earth-to-space transmissions
WRC-27 agenda item regarding NGSO FSS gateway earth stations (Earth-to-space)
WRC-27 agenda item regarding technical/regulatory rules for FSS networks for equitable access

Related Documents, Links, and Multimedia:
FCC Proceeding (2)

Engineering Data

Lower Frequency Center Frequency Upper Frequency
Frequency 50.4 GHz 50.9 GHz 51.4 GHz
Wavelength 5.9 mm 5.9 mm 5.8 mm
Band designator(s) EHF (millimeter wave); V-band (IEEE) EHF (millimeter wave); V-band (IEEE) EHF (millimeter wave); V-band (IEEE)
Isotropic collecting area 2.8 mm2 2.8 mm2 2.7 mm2
Free space loss (1 m) 66.5 dB 66.6 dB 66.7 dB
Free space loss (1 km) 126.5 dB 126.6 dB 126.7 dB
Free space loss (10 km) 146.5 dB 146.6 dB 146.7 dB
Free space loss (100 km) 166.5 dB 166.6 dB 166.7 dB
Free space loss (1000 km) 186.5 dB 186.6 dB 186.7 dB
Free space loss
(35,786 km = GEO orbit)
217.6 dB 217.7 dB 217.7 dB
Free space loss (378,370 km = Moon) 238.1 dB 238.1 dB 238.2 dB
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