
U.S. Non-Federal-Government Allocations
510 - 525 kHz
MARITIME MOBILE (ships only) 5.79A 5.84

U.S. Federal Government Allocations
510 - 525 kHz
MARITIME MOBILE (ships only) 5.79A 5.84

ITU Region 1 Allocations
505 - 526.5 kHz
MARITIME MOBILE 5.79 5.79A 5.84

ITU Region 2 Allocations
510 - 525 kHz

ITU Region 3 Allocations
505 - 526.5 kHz
MARITIME MOBILE 5.79 5.79A 5.84
Aeronautical mobile
Land mobile



5.79   In the maritime mobile service, the frequency bands 415-495 kHz and 505-526.5 kHz are limited to radiotelegraphy and may also be used for the NAVDAT system in accordance with the most recent version of Recommendation ITU R M.2010, subject to agreement between interested and affected administrations. NAVDAT transmitting stations are limited to coast stations. (WRC 19)

5.79A   When establishing coast stations in the NAVTEX service on the frequencies 490 kHz, 518 kHz and 4 209.5 kHz, administrations are strongly recommended to coordinate the operating characteristics in accordance with the procedures of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) (see Resolution 339 (Rev.WRC 07)). (WRC 07)

5.84   The conditions for the use of the frequency 518 kHz by the maritime mobile service are prescribed in Articles 31 and 52. (WRC 07)

US14   When 500 kHz is being used for distress purposes, ship and coast stations using morse telegraph may use 512 kHz for calling.

US18   In the bands 9-14 kHz, 90-110 kHz, 190-415 kHz, 510-535 kHz, and 2700-2900 MHz, navigation aids in the U.S. and its insular areas are normally operated by the Federal Government. However, authorizations may be made by the FCC for non-Federal operations in these bands subject to the conclusion of appropriate arrangements between the FCC and the Federal agencies concerned and upon special showing of need for service which the Federal Government is not yet prepared to render.

US225   In addition to its present Federal use, the band 510-525 kHz is available to Federal and non-Federal aeronautical radionavigation stations inland of the Territorial Base Line as coordinated with the military services. In addition, the frequency 510 kHz is available for non-Federal ship-helicopter operations when beyond 100 nautical miles from shore and required for aeronautical radionavigation.


Aeronautical Nondirectional Radiobeacons (NDBs)

Related Documents, Links, and Multimedia:
FCC Proceeding (1)

Engineering Data

Lower Frequency Center Frequency Upper Frequency
Frequency 505 kHz 515.75 kHz 526.5 kHz
Wavelength 593.6 m 581.3 m 569.4 m
Band designator(s) MF MF MF
Isotropic collecting area 28,044.6 m2 26,887.7 m2 25,800.9 m2
Free space loss (1 m) N/A (near field) N/A (near field) N/A (near field)
Free space loss (1 km) 26.5 dB 26.7 dB 26.9 dB
Free space loss (10 km) 46.5 dB 46.7 dB 46.9 dB
Free space loss (100 km) 66.5 dB 66.7 dB 66.9 dB
Free space loss (1000 km) 86.5 dB 86.7 dB 86.9 dB
Free space loss
(35,786 km = GEO orbit)
117.6 dB 117.8 dB 118.0 dB
Free space loss (378,370 km = Moon) 138.1 dB 138.3 dB 138.4 dB
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