
U.S. Non-Federal-Government Allocations
42 - 42.5 GHz

U.S. Federal Government Allocations
41 - 42.5 GHz
FIXED-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space)
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile

ITU Region 1 Allocations
41 - 42.5 GHz
FIXED-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) 5.552
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile 5.550B

ITU Region 2 Allocations
41 - 42.5 GHz
FIXED-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) 5.552
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile 5.550B

ITU Region 3 Allocations
41 - 42.5 GHz
FIXED-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) 5.552
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile 5.550B



5.547   The bands 31.8-33.4 GHz, 37-40 GHz, 40.5-43.5 GHz, 51.4-52.6 GHz, 55.78-59 GHz and 64-66 GHz are available for high-density applications in the fixed service (see Resolution 75 (WRC-2000)*). Administrations should take this into account when considering regulatory provisions in relation to these bands. Because of the potential deployment of high-density applications in the fixed-satellite service in the bands 39.5-40 GHz and 40.5-42 GHz (see No. 5.516B), administrations should further take into account potential constraints to high-density applications in the fixed service, as appropriate. *This resolution was revised by WRC-12. (WRC 07)

5.550B   The frequency band 37-43.5 GHz, or portions thereof, is identified for use by administrations wishing to implement the terrestrial component of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT). This identification does not preclude the use of this frequency band by any application of the services to which it is allocated and does not establish priority in the Radio Regulations. Because of the potential deployment of FSS earth stations within the frequency range 37.5-42.5 GHz and high-density applications in the fixed-satellite service in the frequency bands 39.5-40 GHz in Region 1, 40-40.5 GHz in all Regions and 40.5-42 GHz in Region 2 (see No. 5.516B), administrations should further take into account potential constraints to IMT in these frequency bands, as appropriate. Resolution 243 (WRC 19) applies. (WRC 19)

5.551F   Different category of service: in Japan, the allocation of the band 41.5-42.5 GHz to the mobile service is on a primary basis (see No. 5.33). (WRC-97)

5.551H   The equivalent power flux-density (epfd) produced in the frequency band 42.5-43.5 GHz by all space stations in any non-geostationary-satellite system in the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth), or in the broadcasting-satellite service operating in the frequency band 42-42.5 GHz, shall not exceed the following values at the site of any radio astronomy station for more than 2% of the time:

    −230 dB(W/m2) in 1 GHz and −246 dB(W/m2) in any 500 kHz of the frequency band 42.5-43.5 GHz at the site of any radio astronomy station registered as a single-dish telescope; and

    −209 dB(W/m2) in any 500 kHz of the frequency band 42.5-43.5 GHz at the site of any radio astronomy station registered as a very long baseline interferometry station.

    These epfd values shall be evaluated using the methodology given in Recommendation ITU R S.1586 1 and the reference antenna pattern and the maximum gain of an antenna in the radio astronomy service given in Recommendation ITU R RA.1631 0 and shall apply over the whole sky and for elevation angles higher than the minimum operating angle θmin of the radiotelescope (for which a default value of 5° should be adopted in the absence of notified information).

    These values shall apply at any radio astronomy station that either:

    – was in operation prior to 5 July 2003 and has been notified to the Bureau before 4 January 2004; or

    – was notified before the date of receipt of the complete Appendix 4 information for coordination or notification, as appropriate, for the space station to which the limits apply.

    Other radio astronomy stations notified after these dates may seek an agreement with administrations that have authorized the space stations. In Region 2, Resolution 743 (WRC 03) shall apply. The limits in this footnote may be exceeded at the site of a radio astronomy station of any country whose administration so agreed. (WRC 15)

5.551I   The power flux-density in the band 42.5-43.5 GHz produced by any geostationary space station in the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth), or the broadcasting-satellite service operating in the 42-42.5 GHz band, shall not exceed the following values at the site of any radio astronomy station:

    –137 dB(W/m2) in 1 GHz and –153 dB(W/m2) in any 500 kHz of the 42.5-43.5 GHz band at the site of any radio astronomy station registered as a single-dish telescope; and

    –116 dB(W/m2) in any 500 kHz of the 42.5-43.5 GHz band at the site of any radio astronomy station registered as a very long baseline interferometry station.

    These values shall apply at the site of any radio astronomy station that either:

    – was in operation prior to 5 July 2003 and has been notified to the Bureau before 4 January 2004; or

    – was notified before the date of receipt of the complete Appendix 4 information for coordination or notification, as appropriate, for the space station to which the limits apply.

    Other radio astronomy stations notified after these dates may seek an agreement with administrations that have authorized the space stations. In Region 2, Resolution 743 (WRC 03) shall apply. The limits in this footnote may be exceeded at the site of a radio astronomy station of any country whose administration so agreed. (WRC-03)

5.552   The allocation of the spectrum for the fixed-satellite service in the bands 42.5-43.5 GHz and 47.2-50.2 GHz for Earth-to-space transmission is greater than that in the band 37.5-39.5 GHz for space-to-Earth transmission in order to accommodate feeder links to broadcasting satellites. Administrations are urged to take all practicable steps to reserve the band 47.2-49.2 GHz for feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service operating in the band 40.5-42.5 GHz.

US211   In the bands 1670-1690, 5000-5250 MHz and 10.7-11.7, 15.1365-15.35, 15.4-15.7, 22.5-22.55, 24-24.05, 31.0-31.3, 31.8-32.0, 40.5-42.5, 116-122.25, 123-130, 158.5-164, 167-168, 191.8-200, and 252-265 GHz, applicants for airborne or space station assignments are urged to take all practicable steps to protect radio astronomy observations in the adjacent bands from harmful interference; however, US74 applies.


2019 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19) Agenda Item 1.6
WRC-27 agenda item regarding technical/regulatory rules for FSS networks for equitable access

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FCC Proceeding (2)
Other (1)

Engineering Data

Lower Frequency Center Frequency Upper Frequency
Frequency 41 GHz 41.75 GHz 42.5 GHz
Wavelength 7.3 mm 7.2 mm 7.1 mm
Band designator(s) EHF (millimeter wave); V-band (IEEE) EHF (millimeter wave); V-band (IEEE) EHF (millimeter wave); V-band (IEEE)
Isotropic collecting area 4.3 mm2 4.1 mm2 4.0 mm2
Free space loss (1 m) 64.7 dB 64.9 dB 65.0 dB
Free space loss (1 km) 124.7 dB 124.9 dB 125.0 dB
Free space loss (10 km) 144.7 dB 144.9 dB 145.0 dB
Free space loss (100 km) 164.7 dB 164.9 dB 165.0 dB
Free space loss (1000 km) 184.7 dB 184.9 dB 185.0 dB
Free space loss
(35,786 km = GEO orbit)
215.8 dB 215.9 dB 216.1 dB
Free space loss (378,370 km = Moon) 236.3 dB 236.4 dB 236.6 dB
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