
U.S. Non-Federal-Government Allocations
410 - 420 MHz
Amateur US270

U.S. Federal Government Allocations
410 - 420 MHz
Amateur US270

ITU Region 1 Allocations
410 - 420 MHz
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile

ITU Region 2 Allocations
410 - 420 MHz
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile

ITU Region 3 Allocations
410 - 420 MHz
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile



US13   The following center frequencies, each with a channel bandwidth not greater than 12.5 kHz, are available for assignment to non-Federal fixed stations for the specific purpose of transmitting hydrological and meteorological data in cooperation with Federal agencies, subject to the condition that harmful interference will not be caused to Federal stations:

Hydro Channels (MHz)

    New assignments on the frequencies 406.125 MHz and 406.175 MHz are to be primarily for paired operations with the frequencies 415.125 MHz and 415.175 MHz, respectively.

US55   In the bands 162.0375-173.2 MHz and 406.1-420 MHz, the FCC may authorize public safety applicants to use the 40 Federal Interoperability Channels that are designated for joint Federal/non-Federal operations for law enforcement, public safety, emergency response and disaster response in Section 4.3.16 of the NTIA Manual, subject to the condition that that these non-Federal mobile (including portable) interoperability communications shall conform to the national plans specified therein, and in particular, shall not cause harmful interference to Federal stations. The procedure for authorizing such use is set forth in 47 CFR 90.25.

US64   (a) In the band 401-406 MHz, the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service is allocated on a secondary basis and is limited to, with the exception of military tactical mobile stations, Medical Device Radiocommunication Service (MedRadio) operations. MedRadio stations are authorized by rule on the condition that harmful interference is not caused to stations in the meteorological aids, meteorological-satellite, and Earth exploration-satellite services, and that MedRadio stations accept interference from stations in the meteorological aids, meteorological-satellite, and Earth exploration-satellite services.

    (b) The bands 413-419 MHz, 426-432 MHz, 438-444 MHz, and 451-457 MHz are also allocated on a secondary basis to the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service. The use of this allocation is limited to MedRadio operations. MedRadio stations are authorized by rule and operate in accordance with 47 CFR part 95.

US270   In the band 420-450 MHz, the following provisions shall apply to the amateur service:

    (a) The peak envelope power of an amateur station shall not exceed 50 watts in the following areas, unless expressly authorized by the FCC after mutual agreement, on a case-by-case basis, between the Regional Director of the applicable field office and the military area frequency coordinator at the applicable military base. For areas (5) through (7), the appropriate military coordinator is located at Peterson AFB, CO.

        (1) Arizona, Florida and New Mexico.

        (2) Within those portions of California and Nevada that are south of latitude 37° 10' N.

        (3) Within that portion of Texas that is west of longitude 104° W.

        (4) Within 322 km of Eglin AFB, FL (30° 30' N, 86° 30' W); Patrick AFB, FL (28° 21' N, 80° 43' W); and the Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, CA (34° 09' N, 119° 11' W).

        (5) Within 240 km of Beale AFB, CA (39° 08' N, 121° 26' W).

        (6) Within 200 km of Goodfellow AFB, TX (31° 25' N, 100° 24' W) and Warner Robins AFB, GA (32° 38' N, 83° 35' W).

        (7) Within 160 km of Clear AFS, AK (64° 17' N, 149° 10' W); Concrete, ND (48° 43' N, 97° 54' W); and Otis AFB, MA (41° 45' N, 70° 32' W).

    (b) In the sub-band 420-430 MHz, the amateur service is not allocated north of Line A (def. § 2.1).

G2   In the bands 216.965-216.995 MHz, 420-450 MHz (except as provided for in G129), 890-902 MHz, 928-942 MHz, 1300-1390 MHz, 2310-2390 MHz, 2417-2450 MHz, 2700-2900 MHz, 3300-3500 MHz, 5650-5925 MHz, and 9000-9200 MHz, use of the Federal radiolocation service is restricted to the military services.

G5   In the bands 162.0125-173.2, 173.4-174, 406.1-410 and 410-420 MHz, use by the military services is limited by the provisions specified in the channeling plans shown in Sections 4.3.7 and 4.3.9 of the NTIA Manual.

G129   Federal wind profilers are authorized to operate on a primary basis in the radiolocation service in the frequency band 448-450 MHz with an authorized bandwidth of no more than 2 MHz centered on 449 MHz, subject to the following conditions: 1) wind profiler locations must be pre-coordinated with the military services to protect fixed military radars; and 2) wind profiler operations shall not cause harmful interference to, nor claim protection from, military mobile radiolocation stations that are engaged in critical national defense operations.


Amateur Radio (70 cm Band)
3GPP 4G/5G Bands
IEEE 802.15.4 HRP UWB
ReconRobotics Surveillance Robot Waiver
Medical Micropower Networks (MMNs) in 413-457 MHz

Related Documents, Links, and Multimedia:
Occupancy Measurements (10)
Band Plan (2)
Other (1)

Engineering Data

Lower Frequency Center Frequency Upper Frequency
Frequency 410 MHz 415 MHz 420 MHz
Wavelength 73.1 cm 72.2 cm 71.4 cm
Band designator(s) UHF UHF UHF
Isotropic collecting area 425.5 cm2 415.3 cm2 405.4 cm2
Free space loss (1 m) 24.7 dB 24.8 dB 24.9 dB
Free space loss (1 km) 84.7 dB 84.8 dB 84.9 dB
Free space loss (10 km) 104.7 dB 104.8 dB 104.9 dB
Free space loss (100 km) 124.7 dB 124.8 dB 124.9 dB
Free space loss (1000 km) 144.7 dB 144.8 dB 144.9 dB
Free space loss
(35,786 km = GEO orbit)
175.8 dB 175.9 dB 176.0 dB
Free space loss (378,370 km = Moon) 196.3 dB 196.4 dB 196.5 dB
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