
U.S. Non-Federal-Government Allocations
40 - 41.015 MHz

U.S. Federal Government Allocations
40 - 41.015 MHz

ITU Region 1 Allocations
39.986 - 40.02 MHz
Space research

ITU Region 2 Allocations
39.986 - 40.02 MHz
Space research

ITU Region 3 Allocations
40 - 40.02 MHz
Space research



5.150   The following bands:

    13 553-13 567 kHz (centre frequency 13 560 kHz),
    26 957-27 283 kHz (centre frequency 27 120 kHz),
    40.66-40.70 MHz (centre frequency 40.68 MHz),
    902-928 MHz in Region 2 (centre frequency 915 MHz),
    2 400-2 500 MHz (centre frequency 2 450 MHz),
    5 725-5 875 MHz (centre frequency 5 800 MHz), and
    24-24.25 GHz (centre frequency 24.125 GHz)

are also designated for industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) applications. Radiocommunication services operating within these bands must accept harmful interference which may be caused by these applications. ISM equipment operating in these bands is subject to the provisions of No. 15.13.

US210   In the bands 40.66-40.7 MHz and 216-220 MHz, frequencies may be authorized to Federal and non-Federal stations on a secondary basis for the tracking of, and telemetering of scientific data from, ocean buoys and wildlife. Operation in these bands is subject to the technical standards specified in: (a) Section 8.2.42 of the NTIA Manual for Federal use, or (b) 47 CFR 90.248 for non-Federal use. After January 1, 2002, no new assignments shall be authorized in the band 216-217 MHz.

US220   The frequencies 36.25 and 41.71 MHz may be authorized to Federal stations and non-Federal stations in the petroleum radio service, for oil spill containment and cleanup operations. The use of these frequencies for oil spill containment or cleanup operations is limited to the inland and coastal waterway regions.


Federal Government fixed/mobile
Industrial, Scientific, and Medical Devices (ISM, FCC Part 18)
Ocean Radar (WRC-2012)
Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS)
Access Broadband over Power Line (Access BPL)
Experimental Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Systems
Apex Broadcasting Band

Related Documents, Links, and Multimedia:
FCC Proceeding (1)
Occupancy Measurements (10)

Engineering Data

Lower Frequency Center Frequency Upper Frequency
Frequency 39.986 MHz 40.5005 MHz 41.015 MHz
Wavelength 7.5 m 7.4 m 7.3 m
Band designator(s) VHF VHF VHF
Isotropic collecting area 4.5 m2 4.4 m2 4.3 m2
Free space loss (1 m) 4.5 dB 4.6 dB 4.5 dB
Free space loss (1 km) 64.5 dB 64.6 dB 64.5 dB
Free space loss (10 km) 84.5 dB 84.6 dB 84.5 dB
Free space loss (100 km) 104.5 dB 104.6 dB 104.5 dB
Free space loss (1000 km) 124.5 dB 124.6 dB 124.5 dB
Free space loss
(35,786 km = GEO orbit)
155.6 dB 155.7 dB 155.6 dB
Free space loss (378,370 km = Moon) 176.0 dB 176.2 dB 176.1 dB
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