
U.S. Non-Federal-Government Allocations
1613.8 - 1626.5 MHz
MOBILE-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) US308 US309 US315 US380

U.S. Federal Government Allocations
1613.8 - 1626.5 MHz
MOBILE-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) US308 US309 US315 US380

ITU Region 1 Allocations
1621.35 - 1626.5 MHz
MOBILE-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) 5.351A

ITU Region 2 Allocations
1621.35 - 1626.5 MHz
MOBILE-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) 5.351A

ITU Region 3 Allocations
1621.35 - 1626.5 MHz
MOBILE-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) 5.351A



5.208B   In the frequency bands:

137-138 MHz,
157.1875-157.3375 MHz,
161.7875-161.9375 MHz,
387-390 MHz,
400.15-401 MHz,
1 452-1 492 MHz,
1 525-1 610 MHz,
1 613.8-1 626.5 MHz,
2 655-2 690 MHz,
21.4-22 GHz,

Resolution 739 (Rev.WRC-19) applies. (WRC 19)

5.341   In the bands 1 400-1 727 MHz, 101-120 GHz and 197-220 GHz, passive research is being conducted by some countries in a programme for the search for intentional emissions of extraterrestrial origin.

5.351A   For the use of the bands 1 518-1 544 MHz, 1 545-1 559 MHz, 1 610-1 645.5 MHz, 1 646.5-1 660.5 MHz, 1 668-1 675 MHz, 1 980-2 010 MHz, 2 170-2 200 MHz, 2 483.5-2 520 MHz and 2 670-2 690 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, see Resolutions 212 (Rev.WRC 07)* and 225 (Rev.WRC 07)**. (WRC 07)

5.355   Additional allocation: in Bahrain, Bangladesh, Congo (Rep. of the), Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Chad, Togo and Yemen, the bands 1 540-1 559 MHz, 1 610-1 645.5 MHz and 1 646.5-1 660 MHz are also allocated to the fixed service on a secondary basis. (WRC 12)

5.359   Additional allocation: in Germany, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cameroon, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lithuania, Mauritania, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Poland, the Syrian Arab Republic, Kyrgyzstan, the Dem. People’s Rep. of Korea, Romania, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan and Ukraine, the frequency bands 1 550-1 559 MHz, 1 610-1 645.5 MHz and 1 646.5-1 660 MHz are also allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis. Administrations are urged to make all practicable efforts to avoid the implementation of new fixed-service stations in these frequency bands. (WRC 19)

5.364   The use of the band 1 610-1 626.5 MHz by the mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-space) and by the radiodetermination-satellite service (Earth to space) is subject to coordination under No. 9.11A. A mobile earth station operating in either of the services in this band shall not produce a peak e.i.r.p. density in excess of 15 dB(W/4 kHz) in the part of the band used by systems operating in accordance with the provisions of No. 5.366 (to which No. 4.10 applies), unless otherwise agreed by the affected administrations. In the part of the band where such systems are not operating, the mean e.i.r.p. density of a mobile earth station shall not exceed –3 dB(W/4 kHz). Stations of the mobile-satellite service shall not claim protection from stations in the aeronautical radionavigation service, stations operating in accordance with the provisions of No. 5.366 and stations in the fixed service operating in accordance with the provisions of No. 5.359. Administrations responsible for the coordination of mobile-satellite networks shall make all practicable efforts to ensure protection of stations operating in accordance with the provisions of No. 5.366.

5.365   The use of the band 1 613.8-1 626.5 MHz by the mobile-satellite service (space-to-Earth) is subject to coordination under No. 9.11A.

5.366   The band 1 610-1 626.5 MHz is reserved on a worldwide basis for the use and development of airborne electronic aids to air navigation and any directly associated ground-based or satellite-borne facilities. Such satellite use is subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21.

5.367   Additional allocation: The frequency band 1 610-1 626.5 MHz is also allocated to the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service on a primary basis, subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21. (WRC 12)

5.368   The provisions of No. 4.10 do not apply with respect to the radiodetermination-satellite and mobile-satellite services in the frequency band 1 610-1 626.5 MHz. However, No. 4.10 applies in the frequency band 1 610-1 626.5 MHz with respect to the aeronautical radionavigation-satellite service when operating in accordance with No. 5.366, the aeronautical mobile satellite (R) service when operating in accordance with No. 5.367, and in the frequency band 1 621.35-1 626.5 MHz with respect to the maritime mobile-satellite service when used for GMDSS. (WRC-19)

5.369   Different category of service: in Angola, Australia, China, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Israel, Lebanon, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Syrian Arab Republic, the Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Sudan, South Sudan, Togo and Zambia, the allocation of the band 1 610-1 626.5 MHz to the radiodetermination-satellite service (Earth-to-space) is on a primary basis (see No. 5.33), subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21 from countries not listed in this provision. (WRC 12)

5.370   Different category of service: in Venezuela, the allocation to the radiodetermination-satellite service in the band 1 610-1 626.5 MHz (Earth-to-space) is on a secondary basis.

5.371   Additional allocation: in Region 1, the band 1 610-1 626.5 MHz (Earth-to-space) is also allocated to the radiodetermination-satellite service on a secondary basis, subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21. (WRC 12)

5.372   Harmful interference shall not be caused to stations of the radio astronomy service using the frequency band 1 610.6 1 613.8 MHz by stations of the radiodetermination-satellite and mobile-satellite services (No. 29.13 applies). The equivalent power flux-density (epfd) produced in the frequency band 1 610.6 1 613.8 MHz by all space stations of a non-geostationary-satellite system in the mobile-satellite service (space-to-Earth) operating in frequency band 1 613.8-1 626.5 MHz shall be in compliance with the protection criteria provided in Recommendations ITU R RA.769 2 and ITU R RA.1513 2, using the methodology given in Recommendation ITU R M.1583 1, and the radio astronomy antenna pattern described in Recommendation ITU R RA.1631 0. (WRC-19)

US208   Planning and use of the band 1559-1626.5 MHz necessitate the development of technical and/or operational sharing criteria to ensure the maximum degree of electromagnetic compatibility with existing and planned systems within the band.

US308   In the bands 1549.5-1558.5 MHz and 1651-1660 MHz, those requirements of the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service that cannot be accommodated in the bands 1545-1549.5 MHz, 1558.5-1559 MHz, 1646.5-1651 MHz and 1660-1660.5 MHz shall have priority access with real-time preemptive capability for communications in the mobile-satellite service. Systems not interoperable with the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service shall operate on a secondary basis. Account shall be taken of the priority of safety-related communications in the mobile-satellite service.

US309   In the bands 1545-1559 MHz, transmissions from terrestrial aeronautical stations directly to aircraft stations, or between aircraft stations, in the aeronautical mobile (R) service are also authorized when such transmissions are used to extend or supplement the satellite-to-aircraft links. In the band 1646.5-1660.5 MHz, transmissions from aircraft stations in the aeronautical mobile (R) service directly to terrestrial aeronautical stations, or between aircraft stations, are also authorized when such transmissions are used to extend or supplement the aircraft-to-satellite links.

US315   In the bands 1530-1544 MHz and 1626.5-1645.5 MHz, maritime mobile-satellite distress and safety communications, e.g., GMDSS, shall have priority access with real-time preemptive capability in the mobile-satellite service. Communications of mobile-satellite system stations not participating in the GMDSS shall operate on a secondary basis to distress and safety communications of stations operating in the GMDSS. Account shall be taken of the priority of safety-related communications in the mobile-satellite service.

US380   In the bands 1525-1544 MHz, 1545-1559 MHz, 1610-1645.5 MHz, 1646.5-1660.5 MHz, and 2483.5-2500 MHz, a non-Federal licensee in the mobile-satellite service (MSS) may also operate an ancillary terrestrial component in conjunction with its MSS network, subject to the Commission’s rules for ancillary terrestrial components and subject to all applicable conditions and provisions of its MSS authorization.


Globalstar (MSS, ATC, & TLPS)
Standard LTE Bands
WRC-27 consideration of MSS space-to-space links

Related Documents, Links, and Multimedia:
Occupancy Measurements (10)
Other (1)

Engineering Data

Lower Frequency Center Frequency Upper Frequency
Frequency 1613.8 MHz 1620.15 MHz 1626.5 MHz
Wavelength 18.6 cm 18.5 cm 18.4 cm
Band designator(s) UHF; L-band (IEEE) UHF; L-band (IEEE) UHF; L-band (IEEE)
Isotropic collecting area 27.5 cm2 27.2 cm2 27.0 cm2
Free space loss (1 m) 36.6 dB 36.6 dB 36.7 dB
Free space loss (1 km) 96.6 dB 96.6 dB 96.7 dB
Free space loss (10 km) 116.6 dB 116.6 dB 116.7 dB
Free space loss (100 km) 136.6 dB 136.6 dB 136.7 dB
Free space loss (1000 km) 156.6 dB 156.6 dB 156.7 dB
Free space loss
(35,786 km = GEO orbit)
187.7 dB 187.7 dB 187.7 dB
Free space loss (378,370 km = Moon) 208.2 dB 208.2 dB 208.2 dB
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