
U.S. Non-Federal-Government Allocations
162.0375 - 173.2 MHz

U.S. Federal Government Allocations
162.0375 - 173.2 MHz

ITU Region 1 Allocations
162.0375 - 174 MHz
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile

ITU Region 2 Allocations
162.0375 - 174 MHz

ITU Region 3 Allocations
162.0375 - 174 MHz



5.226   The frequency 156.525 MHz is the international distress, safety and calling frequency for the maritime mobile VHF radiotelephone service using digital selective calling (DSC). The conditions for the use of this frequency and the band 156.4875-156.5625 MHz are contained in Articles 31 and 52, and in Appendix 18.
The frequency 156.8 MHz is the international distress, safety and calling frequency for the maritime mobile VHF radiotelephone service. The conditions for the use of this frequency and the band 156.7625-156.8375 MHz are contained in Article 31 and Appendix 18.

    In the bands 156-156.4875 MHz, 156.5625-156.7625 MHz, 156.8375-157.45 MHz, 160.6-160.975 MHz and 161.475-162.05 MHz, each administration shall give priority to the maritime mobile service on only such frequencies as are assigned to stations of the maritime mobile service by the administration (see Articles 31 and 52, and Appendix 18).
Any use of frequencies in these bands by stations of other services to which they are allocated should be avoided in areas where such use might cause harmful interference to the maritime mobile VHF radiocommunication service.
However, the frequencies 156.8 MHz and 156.525 MHz and the frequency bands in which priority is given to the maritime mobile service may be used for radiocommunications on inland waterways subject to agreement between interested and affected administrations and taking into account current frequency usage and existing agreements. (WRC 07)

5.229   Alternative allocation: in Morocco, the band 162-174 MHz is allocated to the broadcasting service on a primary basis. The use of this band shall be subject to agreement with administrations having services, operating or planned, in accordance with the Table which are likely to be affected. Stations in existence on 1 January 1981, with their technical characteristics as of that date, are not affected by such agreement.

5.230   Additional allocation: in China, the band 163-167 MHz is also allocated to the space operation service (space-to-Earth) on a primary basis, subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21.

5.231   Additional allocation: in Afghanistan and China, the band 167-174 MHz is also allocated to the broadcasting service on a primary basis. The introduction of the broadcasting service into this band shall be subject to agreement with the neighbouring countries in Region 3 whose services are likely to be affected. (WRC 12)

US8   The use of the frequencies 170.475, 171.425, 171.575, and 172.275 MHz east of the Mississippi River, and 170.425, 170.575, 171.475, 172.225 and 172.375 MHz west of the Mississippi River may be authorized to fixed, land and mobile stations operated by non-Federal forest firefighting agencies. In addition, land stations and mobile stations operated by non-Federal conservation agencies, for mobile relay operation only, may be authorized to use the frequency 172.275 MHz east of the Mississippi River and the frequency 171.475 MHz west of the Mississippi River. The use of any of the foregoing nine frequencies shall be on the condition that no harmful interference will be caused to Government stations.

US11   On the condition that harmful interference is not caused to present or future Federal stations in the band 162-174 MHz, the frequencies 166.25 MHz and 170.15 MHz may be authorized to non-Federal stations, as follows:

    (a) Eligibles in the Public Safety Radio Pool may be authorized to operate in the fixed and land mobile services for locations within 150 miles (241.4 kilometers) of New York City; and

    (b) Remote pickup broadcast stations may be authorized to operate in the land mobile service for locations within the conterminous United States, excluding locations within 150 miles of New York City and the Tennessee Valley Authority Area (TVA Area). The TVA Area is bounded on the west by the Mississippi River, on the north by the parallel of latitude 37° 30' N, and on the east and south by that arc of the circle with center at Springfield, IL, and radius equal to the airline distance between Springfield, IL and Montgomery, AL, subtended between the foregoing west and north boundaries.

US13   The following center frequencies, each with a channel bandwidth not greater than 12.5 kHz, are available for assignment to non-Federal fixed stations for the specific purpose of transmitting hydrological and meteorological data in cooperation with Federal agencies, subject to the condition that harmful interference will not be caused to Federal stations:

Hydro Channels (MHz)

    New assignments on the frequencies 406.125 MHz and 406.175 MHz are to be primarily for paired operations with the frequencies 415.125 MHz and 415.175 MHz, respectively.

US55   In the bands 162.0375-173.2 MHz and 406.1-420 MHz, the FCC may authorize public safety applicants to use the 40 Federal Interoperability Channels that are designated for joint Federal/non-Federal operations for law enforcement, public safety, emergency response and disaster response in Section 4.3.16 of the NTIA Manual, subject to the condition that that these non-Federal mobile (including portable) interoperability communications shall conform to the national plans specified therein, and in particular, shall not cause harmful interference to Federal stations. The procedure for authorizing such use is set forth in 47 CFR 90.25.

US73   The frequencies 150.775, 150.79, 152.0075, and 163.25 MHz, and the bands 462.94-463.19675 and 467.94-468.19675 MHz shall be authorized for the purpose of delivering or rendering medical services to individuals (medical radiocommunication systems), and shall be authorized on a primary basis for Federal and non-Federal use. The frequency 152.0075 MHz may also be used for the purpose of conducting public safety radio communications that include, but are not limited to, the delivering or rendering of medical services to individuals.

    (a) The use of the frequencies 150.775 and 150.79 MHz is restricted to mobile stations operating with a maximum e.r.p. of 100 watts. Airborne operations are prohibited.

    (b) The use of the frequencies 152.0075 and 163.25 MHz is restricted to base stations that are authorized only for one-way paging communications to mobile receivers. Transmissions for the purpose of activating or controlling remote objects on these frequencies shall not be authorized.

    (c) Non-Federal licensees in the Public Safety Radio Pool holding a valid authorization on May 27, 2005, to operate on the frequencies 150.7825 and 150.7975 MHz may, upon proper renewal application, continue to be authorized for such operation; provided that harmful interference is not caused to present or future Federal stations in the band 150.05-150.8 MHz and, should harmful interference result, that the interfering non-Federal operation shall immediately terminate.

US300    The frequencies 169.445, 169.505, 169.545, 169.575, 169.605, 169.995, 170.025, 170.055, 170.245, 170.305, 171.045, 171.075, 171.105, 171.845, 171.875, and 171.905 MHz are available for wireless microphone operations on a secondary basis to Federal and non-Federal operations. On center frequencies 169.575 MHz, 170.025 MHz, 171.075 MHz, and 171.875 MHz, the emission bandwidth shall not exceed 200 kHz. On the other center frequencies, the emission bandwidth shall not exceed 54 kHz.

US312   The frequency 173.075 MHz may also be authorized on a primary basis to non-Federal stations in the Public Safety Radio Pool, limited to police licensees, for stolen vehicle recovery systems (SVRS). As of May 27, 2005, new SVRS licenses shall be issued for an authorized bandwidth not to exceed 12.5 kHz. Stations that operate as part of a stolen vehicle recovery system that was authorized and in operation prior to May 27, 2005 may operate with an authorized bandwidth not to exceed 20 kHz until May 27, 2019. After that date, all SVRS shall operate with an authorized bandwidth not to exceed 12.5 kHz.

G5   In the bands 162.0125-173.2, 173.4-174, 406.1-410 and 410-420 MHz, use by the military services is limited by the provisions specified in the channeling plans shown in Sections 4.3.7 and 4.3.9 of the NTIA Manual.


Television Broadcast
FCC Narrowbanding Mandate
2019 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19) Agenda Item 1.9
TV White Space Devices

Related Documents, Links, and Multimedia:
FCC Proceeding (3)
Occupancy Measurements (10)
Legislation (1)

Engineering Data

Lower Frequency Center Frequency Upper Frequency
Frequency 162.0375 MHz 168.01875 MHz 174 MHz
Wavelength 1.9 m 1.8 m 1.7 m
Band designator(s) VHF VHF VHF
Isotropic collecting area 2,724.0 cm2 2,533.5 cm2 2,362.3 cm2
Free space loss (1 m) 16.6 dB 17.0 dB 17.3 dB
Free space loss (1 km) 76.6 dB 77.0 dB 77.3 dB
Free space loss (10 km) 96.6 dB 97.0 dB 97.3 dB
Free space loss (100 km) 116.6 dB 117.0 dB 117.3 dB
Free space loss (1000 km) 136.6 dB 137.0 dB 137.3 dB
Free space loss
(35,786 km = GEO orbit)
167.7 dB 168.0 dB 168.3 dB
Free space loss (378,370 km = Moon) 188.2 dB 188.5 dB 188.8 dB
Simple HTML Table